This will be a quick little post just to briefly outline exactly what eclectic paganism is. Many people don’t realise that there are different branches of Pagan within the Pagan faith and witchcraft, just like there are countless branches of Christianity around the world. ‘New age’ Paganism has seen the faith transform over the years, as it has slowly adapted to the needs of a new generation of magical practitioners. Eclectic paganism just one form of paganism from the new age.

In a nutshell, eclectic paganism is essentially a form of the Pagan faith where followers somewhat blend aspects of ancient Pagan beliefs with those of other religious philosophies. We don’t limit ourselves to only considering the tales of our own people, because we believe that there is something valuable to learn on a spiritual level from every ancient belief system.

So often in religion do we see behaviors and rituals being mimicked from faith to faith but given a new name. One group of people might call prayer what another might call manifesting, whilst another group of people might call the same activity incanting. The message is that we are far more similar than we are different, and this repetition of spiritual technique is proof of our kinship with strangers.

In the book ‘Paganism and the new age’, which deep dives into the ethos, changes and inherent belief systems of new age pagan beliefs, Melissa Harrington explains that eclectic Pagans don’t follow a structural form of religion, rather they follow more of a path that is rooted in the pagan ethos of reference to ancient deities (gods and goddesses) as well as worship of nature.

Eclectic paganism has been compared to reconstructionist paganism, but they are actually different. Reconstructionist pagans will attempt to reconstruct traditions from other time periods whilst eclectic pagans adopt and mold philosophies from several different religious paths and time periods.

Essentially, we believe that its really important that every person is able to embark on a spiritual path that works for them individually. Having a one-size-fits-all approach to faith historically leads to shallow beliefs and empty practices, rendering the entire point of witchcraft entirely moot. We encourage anyone reading this to continue to be on a quest for knowledge, to continue to be conscious of their experiences, to continue to connect to nature and find their own power with themselves and their faith.

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